برونداد پژوهشها در مركز تحقيقات بيوانفورماتيك چاپ 105 مقاله در ژورنالهاي معتبر بين المللي باشد. براي مشاهده همه مقالات اينجا كليك كنيد.
مقالات اخير چاپ شده به شرح ذيل مي باشد. براي مشاهده مقاله روي عنوان آن كليك كنيد.
1- In silico interactions between curcumin derivatives and monoamine oxidase-a enzymeilic (2022).
2- The Effect of Omega-lycotoxin on the Cognitive Impairment Induced by Kainic Acid in Rats (2021).
3- DNA Codon Recognition by a Cubane Wire: In Silico Approach (2021).
4-Discovery of novel hit compounds as potential HDAC1 inhibitors: The case of ligand- and structure-based virtual screening (2021).
6-Design, synthesis, biological evaluation, and molecular modeling studies of pyrazole-benzofuran hybrids as new alpha-glucosidase inhibitor (2021).
9- Monastrol derivatives: In silico and in vitro cytotoxicity assessments (2020).